غزالة الجبال
๑ . . إدارية. . ๑
- التسجيل
- 15 يوليو 2004
- رقم العضوية
- 2007
- المشاركات
- 56,666
- مستوى التفاعل
- 1,834
- الجنس
- الإقامة
some whispers between lovers
last night, I called her
I said, how are you dear
She answered,iam enjoing my life.thanks for ur care
??AND she asked me,what do you wanna sir
!!I replied,just i miss you
?? May I talke with you
She answered,yes sure
I told her, i will tell you somthing and please dont get mad
You are my angle to live a happy life
If i didnt see you, I would feel my heart killed by knife
Would you mind if i became ur husbind and you become my wife
!!I cant imagine how beautiful life without you
!!Could we make a final due
I wish to make a bond of love.Not like that,wich makes every day between all peoples and Jew
"I want to make our bond of love inside tihs title "TogEtHer FoReVeR

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